Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Final: Reflective Post

        Coming into this Intro to Technology class this semester over achieved my expectations. I thought I knew all the basics and had all the tools and knowledge of the possible technology that could be used in classrooms today but little did I know that I was wrong. This class was just the "tip of the iceberg" in regards to the technology tools we, as future teachers have.

        One of my favorite assignments was my Teacher E-Portfolio which was a personal start to our "Teacher portfolio" that I will be using in the future. This was my favorite assignment because all the research and effort put in it felt like what lesson planning would be - time consuming and detail oriented. Basically, what you put in is what you will get out.
        A big concept that I will continue to challenge myself in is the new technology that can be used to help students succeed. Concepts like "copyright" as seen in this video are more understandable and I am more aware of what I can and cannot use. Throughout middle school I remember hearing teachers say "no plagiarizing" which to me meant no copying and pasting but to me anything that came up on google was "OK" to use - I now know the correct process for using materials.
        In conclusion, I can honestly say this Intro to Teaching class has surpassed my expectations of me knowing "all the technology basics" and has gotten me excited for the ones I have left to take. This class has challenged me in being open minded to new technological tools and starting to invest in things like your personal teacher motto.

Photo credit to Flickr

1 comment:

  1. It is always an 'eye opener' when you discover more information about things you thought you knew so well - LOL! Actually you will be teaching students who only know technology but that doesn't mean they know how to use it effectively, efficiently and with ethical considerations - i.e., you will still need to teach them how to be good digital citizens and how to apply some of what they know with social media and everyday technology to be applicable to learning. But, I know you can do it now! :) Glad you found some of the learning fun, as well.
